· By Ashley Conrad

Guest Blog by Steven Zahurones
Clutch Bodyshop has helped me get back in touch with the younger version of myself that was a dreamer ready to conquer the world.
Now 26, I was bullied as a kid for being small, non-athletic, a nerd, and just "not cool". Around 16 I fell in love with weight training and the lifestyle that allowed me to get out what I put in. To find a sanctuary from life that didn't judge.
When I went to college I lost my way. I ballooned up to around 250 pounds. It was walking home from campus one day my senior year that I realized how unhealthy and out of shape I was. I remember that day vividly because once I arrived home my long time girlfriend left.
That's when I discovered Ashley Conrad and Clutch Bodyshop. I was ready to get my life back on track. I was also ready to rediscover myself, the dreams, ambition, and passion I had seemingly lost along the way.
I embarked on an intense six month program that culminated in me running 50,000 stairs on my birthday as a present. It was the support and knowledge of the Clutch community that helped me wake up everyday with a sense of gratefulness and confidence.
Last year I decided it was time to do a bigger transformation and document the process by blogging (szahurones.wordpress.com) everyday and sharing updates on Instagram to inspire other members of the Clutch Army. I was determined to make Clutch proud so I went to the gym at 4:30am everyday. I ate clean 100% of the time even when traveling to show others that - yes. You can. I believe in moderation and enjoying life but it was an important step for me to say "I can, I will, and so will you". It was Ashley and Clutch Bodyshop also commenting on my journey along the way that helped me complete that transformation.
The fitness is just one aspect of what Clutch has brought to me. It has connected me to other fans and form real bonds. It has helped me learn how to lead a healthier life through proper training, nutrition, and supplementation. It has helped me rediscover myself. Embrace my weirdness. Forgive the bullies. And most of all - Clutch it everyday.
I sincerely thank you for your mission and passion. Without it, on that day when my life was seemingly in shambles, I may not have gotten through and found myself. God always has His plans, and this was His for me.
Thank you. I hope to repay you one day for the gift you helped me discover.
Steven Z
Tonie: thank you for the kind words! We are all one big family!
Larissa: thank you very much for your million compliments. I will remember them on days when it’s a struggle.
Steven Zahurones on
Thanks Steph!
Fitlife007: You can find a bunch of before and after on my blog linked above or on my instagram page @Steven.Zahurones … Though I don’t make it habit to post a lot of before and after shots (except last summer when that was the goal) because goals are always changing and adapting, so a before and after often doesn’t capture the true art of what was worked toward. I find focusing on the inner provides stronger, more long lasting benefit. Health and fitness is generally a reflection of that.
Steven Zahurones on
Amazing and nearly unbeleivable will-power! Million complements, Steven!!!
Larissa Santa on
Steven, what an amazing transformation and insprational story. Not only did you commit yourself to hard work , dedication and a clean healthy lifestyle but you also encouragied and inspired others along the way. That is awesome and very much what Ashley Conrad and Clutch is all about – way to embrace and inspire. I love great positive stories.
Tonie on
Thanks for sharing Steven inspiring stuff! ?
Steph on
Cool story but Where is his before to after???
Fitlife007 on