· By Amber Elizabeth Dodzweit
I think it’s time as a fitness community that we address the “pink elephant” in the room. In this case our pink elephant is rocking barely there thong bikini- which makes this really interesting.
When I take a look at images from the porn industry and then I compare those images with those from the fitness industry- I see no difference except muscle. For an athlete that has dedicated their life to the art of exercise, this phenomenon has become an insult. Furthermore, I am embarrassed to claim my career in the “fitness industry” because of it’s raunchy and extreme reputation in the mainstream market.
I get regular emails from aspiring fitness models wondering how it is that I was “discovered”. These girls are already buying into the notion that taking their clothes off is the only way to being noticed and ultimately sponsored. Without mentioning names, there are a few stars of the social media world that have upwards of millions of followers they have obtained by running a soft porn show on their pages. This is speaking to young athletes that in order to become a “name” and inspire people with their athleticism….get naked.
Early on in my career I was on set with a well-known fitness photographer that wanted to shoot me for a glamour fitness magazine. When I refused a proposition to get undressed and be featured in this publication- I was told “you won’t ever get anywhere in fitness being so modest”. A few months later, I was approached by Playboy and a few years after that Playboy came knocking again to be turned down.
I haven’t always had my moral compass on true north and there have been a couple instances where looking back I would have made different choices but throughout my entire career I’ve preached ability above aesthetics. I think that trend is beginning to catch steam not because of my attempts but because peoples stomachs are starting to turn. I believe that most people don’t want asses in their face when their hope is to be inspired to become better versions of themselves. I also know that for as long as we validate these people with “follows” and edifying comments there will be no end to the ever-growing pornographic fitness industry.
Even more concerning is the implication this poses on our youth. I received an email from an 18-year old girl essentially crying out for help because her fitness coach was encouraging her to take photos to put up on sketchy social media sites dedicated to “fitness”. She was confused because the feedback on her posing in a thong in the mirror was so positive and wondered if this was the only way to becoming someone in fitness. I mean am I the only one looking at these situations saying “ARE YOU KIDDING ME??!”
More than anything, this is a call for those who do not believe in the “sexifying “ of fitness to actually take a stand. Nothing will change as long as people are willing to reinforce the fact that nudity=success. If I were a parent, I would fear my child wanting to make a career in fitness. This is heartbreaking considering this should be a place for athletes to come and put their talents on display without being coaxed into a soft porn exposition.
As a brand this is something we are attacking head on. The athletes we sign, the branding we release and the message we put out will not fit in, and this is 100% intentional. Got guts? Let us know your hashtag ideas to create a movement and stop the sexualization of our industry.
Thank you for this article! I love fitness, but have been feeling this way for some time now. I have two teen daughters and the oldest is slowing trying to dress a little more provocative and doesn’t even realize it. (We get into many arguments over her clothing) Although she isn’t into the fitness scene, it’s a struggle that spreading everywhere. I’m so glad to know that I have other women that share my same ideas on this. …This is why I love ya!
Elena Griego on
Amen! I love everything about this. While I do admit in liking some pictures because of the athletes’ physique, I have noticed that most of these fitness icons turn into soft porn celebrities. It is sad that as soon as they achieve their goals they go out and trash it by looking like pieces of meat. What happened to the hardcore pics with a girl covered in sweat looking like she just killed her workout?!
Alex Warrior on
Wanted to leave a note showing my support from all of my pages! I am STOKED that this ‘image’ and reputation that the ‘fitness industry’ has gotten is being challenged once and for all. To me personally, it is so far from what it truly represents; it’s sickening. I know even as a small representation of the fitness community I will stand with this challenge and am happy to share it and promote it. All it takes is one to start a change. I was also happy to feature this on my blog and will continue to share this post. Here is the link if you want to check it out: http://livelearnliftrepeat.blogspot.com/2014/07/hump-day-post-are-you-in.html
Thank you again for a great post and hopefully the beginning of an ‘end’ if you will. Have a great rest of the week!
Rachel Gilmore on
Worth the time to read. Thank you for leading the way for our young wonen…this is awful…http://www.worldlifestyle.com/beauty-style/she-posted-body-positive-photos-and-instagram-removed-her-account?utm_source=Facebook&utm_medium=newsfeed&utm_campaign=beauty%20and%20style&utm_content=/beauty-style/she-posted-body-positive-photos-and-instagram-removed-her-account
dawn koch on
I’m guessing the author is a born-again Christian and an absolute moralist – “naked is a sin; God says don’t do it”. I’m reminded that underneath all those thongs, Lululemons and bra-tops, we are ALL naked – just the way God made us. I tend to agree with Dr. C.J. Scheiner, M.D. who asserts that women are genetically exhibitionist and men are genetically voyeurs. Imagery of feminine sensuality go way back – among the oldest surviving examples of erotic depictions are Paleolithic cave paintings and carvings, for God’s sake. One of the things I’ve noticed over some forty-years of adulthood is none of the major men’s and/or “fitness” publications have had to print blank pages because young, fit, attractive women weren’t willing to pose scantily clad or nude. Boys & Girls. Men & Women. Nudity & Sexuality. It’s an inevitability. Thank God!
Spencer Benedict on
I love love LOVE this post – I have been saying this for months now and was actually going to post about this on my own blog in the next week. It makes fitness look fake. It takes the beauty away from our bodies. And it personifies EVERYTHING I am not about. Thanks for taking the time to write this. It’s glorious to know that others feel the same way! God bless!
Jena Viviano on