By Amber Elizabeth Dodzweit


When I walked in to the boardroom at headquarters I had a flashback to walking into the wrong classroom when I was in Jr. High. If I could have found the nearest hole I would have certainly climbed inside of it- the only thing close was the garbage and I found that to be slightly excessive. Initially, I wasn’t invited to this particular meeting, but last minute was asked to come along making it an exceptionally strange entrance on my part, I even wore a button up shirt, whoah. A team of fitness industry standouts including scientists, doctors and high power executives were assembled to brainstorm new concepts for fitness program retention rates and cutting edge motivational tools. What was discussed was beyond compelling and this meeting of the minds signified a shift in our industry that I believe will change the game forever. is a big deal. They have hundreds of millions of unique page views to their website every single month. As the largest online retailer of supplements in the world you would imagine that these sorts of meetings would surround profit margins and quarterly financial reports…yawn. Not only were neither of these things discussed, but the hours of conversation between these masters (and believe it or not…me) were all based on how to motivate, inspire and change the lives of those that come to their site looking for answers. Let me repeat that- not one minute was spent talking about money.

One of the hurdles in our industry that was dissected was the fact that in most cases our “why” is not nearly big enough to keep us motivated. Now what this says to me is “If all you’re looking to get out of a program is abs, there’s one distraction that has the potential to derail you” enter- pizza. Hah, ok maybe not for all of us. In all seriousness though, if your goal is simply to get “abs”, it takes self-discipline made out of steel to stay focused on such a shallow reward over a long period of time, what happens when you get “abs” then what?. So, what if we tilted the focus from these image-focused goals and really allowed people to begin to understand what exercise can truly offer them.

Did you know that current clinical studies are pulling data that support the fact that a consistent exercise program offers the same results in patients with anxiety and depression disorders as prescription drugs?

Yeah- now that’s a “why” that’s worth sticking to a program for.

What if this isn’t a struggle you’re facing. Imagine if your entire life began to improve because of the benefits of consistent workouts. Nobody can tell me their life doesn’t contain at least one thing that they feel they’ve lost control of….now imagine if you had the power to wrangle THAT thing in.

So has the fitness industry just missed it from the beginning? “Wellness” by definition is the quality or state of being healthy in body and mind. It sounds like fitness, in some cases, has lost sight of establishing true wellness by focusing solely on a bodily result in hopes that it brings the mind happiness along with it…definitely a short-lived method. Another thing, the imagery the fitness industry puts out is undoubtedly inspiring but when the hopeful participants at the end of their program don’t see striated delts or washboard abs…isn’t it equally as demoralizing? Maybe the fine print beneath the models should read **5 days water deprived, 14 days carb depleted, spray tanned twice plus baby oil and diuretics**. Juuuust sayin’.

I encourage you all to truly analyze your “why” behind the program you have selected. In our Transform Programs (available at we have done our best to incorporate life principles to establish this type of thinking but drop off numbers are staggering after the second week in all programs no matter what brand created them.

If you have thoughts about how to establish bigger reasons for people to change not their bodies but their lives through proper nutrition and training we would love to hear them. As always if you are looking for programs and products that are backed by a message of true wellness, we always appreciate you sharing our vision. #Clutcharmy #Clutchrevolution 





  • Hi, love the blog! Thanks for all you do!

    Hank on

  • Yes, I love this! I have been to the place where I met my physical goals, but then what? I lost my mojo because there didn’t seem to be anything to reach for after that. Finding deeper meaning to fitness and wellness is so important. I am a better wife and mom when I take care of myself. I think clearer, breathe deeper, and feel brighter when I spend time exercising outdoors in the fresh air and sunshine. There are so many good things :)

    Sarah Jane on

  • Ashlley,

    Thank you for the well thought out post. My father died at the age of 44 from depression. Many years ago when asked how old I would be when I died I said 44. I had never thought of life beyond that magic number. That whole concept made me think. I now have a target of 101. If I am to live until 101 I have to be engaged mentally, physically and spiritually in a “bigger why” everyday. I have to create value and positively change myself and the world everyday to stay engaged in day to day living. Life is great and everyday is an exciting adventure. I started working out in a program, Farrell’s Extreme Bodyshaping, with my wife in January of 2013. The “bigger why” is evident everyday when I go in to work out and see people engaged in transforming their body through their diet, workout and their new way of life. I am so thankful you shared this and am excited to continue to watch your Clutch Movement as it transforms the world in so many more ways that just the fitness/health focus. Ashley you are changing the world and for that I am proud and grateful.


    Bob Woolsey

    Bob Woolsey on

  • Wellness is spirit, soul and body.
    Without this balance, workouts, goals and fitness can
    be frustrating.
    Both of you understand this, I know.
    I would like to see more emphasis on spirit
    and soul.

    Ben Dodzweit on

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